It’s been awhile...


It’s been awhile...

I would first like to apologize for no updates from us for at least a year now. The podcast slowed to a roll and eventually stopped as I got more busy with school, luckily I am now finished with school.


We’ve been discussing lately and are thinking about doing another podcast or possibly bringing back thwompcast, filming some more videos (finally), and designing some shirts to sell. Lots of ideas swirling around so stay tuned!

Oh! We’ve also been streaming on twitch every so often, we haven’t set a schedule yet as we are doing some updates to our house and the WiFi signal isn’t as strong in some of the rooms. But if you’d like to check it out here’s the links to both our accounts.





Transformers: The Last Night

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Transformers: The Last Night

Movies are really good when they have sound, especially when they're in IMAX.

So my brother and I went to see the new Transformers movie in IMAX, well he had already watched in a regular theater and agreed to watch it again. Well I got to see about an Hour and a Half of the movie before the sound started to cut out. Eventually the audio was completely gone, as were the other people in the theater, so I documented it.

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Arms Global TestPunch


Arms Global TestPunch

Yesterday we got to test out the game Arms for the Nintendo switch! It was a live online test from 5-6pm.

It was a really fun game with different game modes such as; 2v2, V-Ball, 1v1v1, and of course 1v1

V-Ball: V-Ball was a volley ball esqe mode where you used your punches to hit the ball, trying to punch the ball back and forth over the net.  The hard part is coordinating with your teammate, my brother and I definitely struggled. And when I had a random, he kept punching me in back of the head haha.

2v2: Like the 1v1 you're trying to punch each other out, but you are tied to your teammate. Which causes problems because when they're thrown, you follow and fly to where they are and slammed down.

Overall it was a fun yet frustrating game, but I will definitely be reserving it this weekend.




We're on iTunes!!

We're on iTunes!!

iTunes finally approved our blog, now you can subscribe on iTunes and get the weekly podcast straight to your phone and take it on the go!
Thwompcast on iTunes!

Two up and Two down


Two up and Two down

We finished podcast number dos! A lot and I mean a LOT happened this week, so we had a good amount of stuff to talk about on the podcast.
We also upgraded some of our equipment. We have (4) AKG P220 microphones and a resident audio interface. Unfortunately, the interface messed up and we went back to using the small mixer until we can figure out what's wrong. Oh, and I got a new gaming chair from DXRacer!

The podcast will be on iTunes soon, we're justing waiting for the 24hour approval.


The first podcast is up!

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The first podcast is up!

We will be doing a weekly podcast for Thwompcast, we record on fridays and upload so you can listen to it by Saturday when you're kicking back and drinking lemonade...or a coors...I don't judge.
We will try and be consistent on providing links on the podcast page, for all the stuff we talk about.
We will make sure to only rate movies we see and not spoil them for y'all, or rather I'll make sure to stop the other guys before they say spoilers.
Anyways I'll be using blog posts to keep you updated on things like; podcast delays, special podcasts, and anything new and exciting.

Thanks for Listening!
Also don't forget to check out our Youtube Channel

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