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Global TestPunch

Arms Global TestPunch


Arms Global TestPunch

Yesterday we got to test out the game Arms for the Nintendo switch! It was a live online test from 5-6pm.

It was a really fun game with different game modes such as; 2v2, V-Ball, 1v1v1, and of course 1v1

V-Ball: V-Ball was a volley ball esqe mode where you used your punches to hit the ball, trying to punch the ball back and forth over the net.  The hard part is coordinating with your teammate, my brother and I definitely struggled. And when I had a random, he kept punching me in back of the head haha.

2v2: Like the 1v1 you're trying to punch each other out, but you are tied to your teammate. Which causes problems because when they're thrown, you follow and fly to where they are and slammed down.

Overall it was a fun yet frustrating game, but I will definitely be reserving it this weekend.


